What is Spinal Degeneration?

The process of aging is inevitable for all of us. As our bodies grow older, the stresses of daily life contribute in some way (big or small) to our aging. Subluxation degeneration or spinal degeneration …

The process of aging is inevitable for all of us. As our bodies grow older, the stresses of daily life contribute in some way (big or small) to our aging. Subluxation degeneration or spinal degeneration can take place over time, which can be a painful process that leads you down the path of watching life from the sidelines.

If you experience back pain that is robbing you of your joy and events you once loved, it might be time to take steps to do something to better the problem. Learn about spinal degeneration now to discover how you can prevent or reduce this pain. Correcting spinal degeneration with chiropractic treatments is an ideal way to keep your spine healthy and those nasty symptoms at bay – whether you show signs of spinal degeneration currently or not.

Why should you consider chiropractic treatment in Tucker if you don’t show symptoms of spinal degeneration right now? Even if you don’t experience back pain, maintaining your spine’s health can help to prevent or prolong the onset of spinal degeneration. The secret to a healthy spine may lie in the knowledge of your chiropractor.

A spine that is once perfectly straight and healthy often goes through a process called “degeneration,” which can lead to the fusing of the vertebrae. Another term for this vertebral misalignment is called “vertebral subluxation complex.”

There are four stages of spinal degeneration. Learn more about these stages to better understand what your body may be up against.

Phase 1

During degeneration phase one, the spine begins to lose its normal balance. Normal spinal curves may begin to shift and your nerves may start to be affected. The vital life energy that flows through them may be adversely impacted as well as your discs, nerves and joints. Your posture can also be stressed and quickly age. During phase one, there is not always pain outside of occasional discomfort. Some height loss may be noticed here as well as a lessening of energy. The spine will continue to become misaligned, leading to the onset of phase 2.

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Phase 2

A more heightened degree of decay takes place during this stage, with narrowing of discs and bone spurs (or deformations). Postural changes are also more significant. By age 40, 80% of makes and 76% of females experience some form of moderate disc degeneration. Narrowing of the spinal canal (or stenosis) can also occur. More common aches and pains are characteristic of this stage, in addition to fatigue. Significant improvement is likely with chiropractic care during this stage.

Phase 3

Increased nerve damage and more significant postural imbalances as well as advanced bone deformation and permanent scar tissue are associated with degeneration phase 3. Mental and/or physical weakness and/or disability may begin to appear. Permanent energy loss is common in this stage as well as loss of height. Reversal is possible in some cases of chiropractic care in this stage.

Phase 4

During the final and most advanced stage of spinal degeneration, postural imbalance is major and motion is often limited. Permanent scar tissue is present as well as severe nerve damage. The bones in the spine begin to fuse and many people experience pain and mental and/or physical disability. Some would argue that during this stage, the condition is irreversible but chiropractic care is probably to offer relief to sufferers of this condition.

The best course of action to cope with your degree of spinal degeneration is to schedule an appointment with your chiropractor. The sooner you take steps to address your spinal degeneration, the sooner a treatment plan can be developed and you can be on your way to recovery.

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